The Yew Mysteries

photo by Andy McGeeney

Sacred Teachings

from the Tree of Eternity

photo by Chelynn Tetreault

Yew Mysteries

with Michael Dunning

photo by Kwai Lam

The Yew Mysteries and Sacred Yew Institute2024-06-06T11:44:55-04:00

There is a Story to be Told...

Paintings by Mitchell Pluto

"Three lifetimes of the yew
for the world from its beginning to its end."

~ The Book of Lismore ~


Gathering the Yew Tribes

September 21 @ 9:30 am - September 22 @ 4:30 pm

Today, more than ever before, the yew calls for a re-gathering of the yew tribes. This two-day Gathering of the Yew Tribes will involve a mix of yew-lore, invocation, ritual, and time spent outdoors with the ancient yew trees. Location: Clee St Margaret Village Hall, Shropshire SY79DU.

Yew Mysteries in Northern Spain

September 28 @ 9:30 am - September 29 @ 5:00 pm

Every ancient yew tree on earth holds the embodied wisdom of the Eternal Tree of Life.  2000 years ago, at least half of the British Isles and large parts of mainland Europe were populated by yew tribes. Join us for a mystical adventure with the Yew Mysteries in Northern Spain! Monte Perdido National Park, Spain, September 28th & 29th 2024

Los Misterios del Tejo en el Norte de España

September 28 @ 9:30 am - September 29 @ 5:00 pm

Cada tejo antiguo contiene encarnada la sabiduría del Eterno Árbol de la Vida. 2000 años atrás, la mitad o más de las Islas Británicas y vastas porciones del continente europeo estaban pobladas por las tribus del tejo, donde se veneraba a los tejos antiguos como custodios de una valiosa transmisión de sabiduría atlante. ¡Únete a la aventura mística de los Misterios del Tejo en el Pirineo aragonés! Los Misterios del Tejo en el Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido, 28 y 29 de Septiembre de 2024

Recent Article

Measure of Annwn – Eternity of Yew

I'd like to propose that the 'measure' of Annwn, the name for the Otherworld in Welsh tradition, can be directly experienced as a transformative and visionary healing force through the radiant presence of a being —the yew tree— who uniquely holds the original power and intensity of that 'measure' as the sentient expression of an incarnated force of eternity on Earth.

The Tree Sprit Telesummit

Michael speaks on topics including the Elohim nature of the ancient yew tree as Overseer of the Light, the Otherworld of Annwn as the Living Wholeness of Origin, how to 'touch' the sentience of the yew tree and more!  NOTE: his interview starts at 9:30 in the recording.

Play Teleseminar

Download the interview MP3 here →

Filmed at Plant Consciousness 2016, London

The Yew has survived virtually unchanged for over 250 million years as the oldest, and yet simultaneously the most youthful and even ‘embryonic’ tree species in Europe. Known as ‘the tree archetype of Europe’, the yew has the ability to change its sex, seemingly at will. The oldest known word for the yew, eya (circa 1750 BCE) means ‘eternity’ or ‘to be touched by eternity.’ It is likely that the ‘eternity’ referred to here is related to ancient practices involving the psychoactive properties of the yew. Michael has directly experienced these properties through working in specific ways with yew bark which produces a consciousness altering alkaloid toxin; what Michael in his yewshamanic work refers to as the ‘alkaloid cloud’ of the yew.

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