A Feast of Lights
February 8, 2019 @ 8:30 am - February 10, 2019 @ 3:15 pm
| Single Day and Full Weekend Pricing AvailableA Feast of Lights is a time to gather to rekindle our fires at the season of the Celtic festival of Imbolg or midwinter, when the cold is deepest. It is a time to find warmth in community and tap into the strength of the returning light. This winter we need the promise of that small flame in the darkness, and so we will stir together a rich community with a wonderful collection of teachers, performers, artists, and merchants. Together, we will kindle the fire within to nourish our spirits and minds through the dark of winter and the challenges to come.
This very special weekend is a time to celebrate with and learn from each other, a time to find power – in the old traditions, in creative and artistic expression, and in vibrant discussion and planning direction for the coming year. Come to make music, listen, learn, dance, shop, laugh, reflect, and enjoy warm company. Come to look toward the future, to think and to make plans. As we share with one another, and support one another, we can feel the spark of life, hidden deep beneath the snows of winter, begin to glow warm within our hearts.
Features include: The Art Salon, rituals, merchants, workshops, a clothing swap, Saturday’s plenary session and The Stag King’s Masque – a masquerade feast with ritual theater and dancing.
Scheduled programs begin midday on Friday, February 8 and continue until late afternoon on Sunday, February 10.
Friday night features an Art Salon a ritual and a concert. Saturday night we celebrate midwinter with a feast, ritual, and dancing at the Stag King’s Masque. With these special events alongside the workshops, crafting, discussions and performances during the days it will be a full weekend!
A full weekend registration for A Feast of Lights includes admission to daily programs and performances and the Community Room/ Merchant Hall throughout the weekend, beginning at noon on Friday and ending at 4:00pm on Sunday, including a ticket to the Feast and the Stag King’s Masque.
(a Feast opt-out due to dietary restrictions may be available by special request. Email [email protected])
Single day registration is available each day, providing admission to the Merchant Hall, social activities, and workshops for that day only. Single day registration does not include a ticket for the Masque and Feast.
Tickets for the full evening of Feast and Masque together are available in advance either online or by mail.
Masque-only Tickets will just be available at the door. You do not have to be attending the weekend to attend the Masque.
We ask for your awareness that A Feast of Lights registration is not just about attending workshops, but is about connecting with the community that grows around the gathering as well. Please register for the event if you intend to be on site for all or part of the weekend, and suggest the same to your friends.
If you can’t register for the whole weekend, consider coming for just Saturday and then participating in the Feast and the Stag King’s Masque, or coming for the Feast and the Stag king’s Masque and then registering for the day on Sunday.
Advance Registration Rates:
Full Weekend, including the Stag King’s Masque and Feast $145
Saturday single day (evening events not included): $75
Friday or Sunday single day: $45
Children (ages 6-16): half price of the above rates with an adult registration. Under 6 yrs. are free.
Stag King’s Masque and Feast only: $60
Separate tickets for the Masque without the Feast are $20 ($17 in costume) and are available only at the door.
The deadline for pre-registration by mail, on-line, phone or fax is January 31, 2019.
After this time registrations will be accepted at the door at the rate of $130. These will include the Masque, but cannot include the Feast.
Refund Policy: 50% refund for requests received in writing before January 20, 2019. NO refunds after that date