Gathering the Yew Tribes
September 21, 2024 @ 9:30 am - September 22, 2024 @ 4:30 pm
| £2002000 years ago, during pre-Roman times, over half of the British Isles as well as parts of mainland Europe were populated by yew tribes. These tribes venerated the yew trees as the living custodians of an ancient wisdom stream. Referred to generally and in various languages as the Yew Mysteries, this wisdom stream represented the last of the Great Mysteries to have emerged from an older, Atlantean world.
However, following the rise of Roman Christianity, the yew tribes in Britain became obsolete. Gradually, the mysteries of the yew faded from human memory.
Yet, many of the most ancient yew trees survived.
During the early 1990’s, Michael, while deathly ill, was called to an ancient female yew tree in the southeast of Scotland. Over a period of 9+ years, the yew not only restored his health but provided him with the template for a renewed form of the Yew Mysteries.
For 20 years, Michael worked in isolation with the yew to bring this template into the modern world. Finally, in 2015, the Yew Mysteries returned to Wales and from there to Scotland, England and even the Pacific Northwest of the USA where the yew had also been held sacred.
Today, more than ever before, the yew calls for a re-gathering of the yew tribes.
This two-day Gathering of the Yew Tribes will involve a mix of yew-lore, invocation, ritual, and time spent outdoors with the ancient yew trees.
Workshop Details
Weekend 21/22nd September 2024
Saturday: 9.30am -5pm
Sunday: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Cost: £200 (Workshop fee and lunch but not including accommodation)
A limited number of concessions will be available in case of financial hardship - please contact Lucy at: [email protected]
Venue: Clee St Margaret Village Hall, Shropshire SY79DU
(approx 7 miles north east of Ludlow.)
Nearest Train Stations are Ludlow or Craven Arms
Accommodation: there are multiple AirB&B options in the area. https://www.airbnb.ie/clee-saint-margaret-united-kingdom/stays
Payment by BACS to
Touched By Nature (business account)
sort code 089299
A/c number 63126989
ref: Michael and YEW