The Fairy & Human Relations Congress
June 24, 2016 - June 26, 2016
| VariesThe Fairy & Human Relations Congress is an annual event held in the Methow Valley in Washington State. The Congress is dedicated to Promoting Communication and Co-Creation with Nature Spirits, Devas and the Faery Realms.
Join Michael for these two workshops
Merlin and the Ancient Yew Trees of Wales
During the Fall of 2015 Michael taught the Yew Mysteries in Wales at a site surrounded by 12 ancient yews that had once been a training ground for Merlin. Wales is home to large number of ancient yews; in fact there are more yews concentrated in Wales than anywhere else on Earth! Michael will show images of these yew sites and explain why they were central to the magical and healing practices of Merlin and to the work of the Grail Saints.
Sacred Mountain Pilgrimage
Michael was first summoned to the summit of the sacred mountain at Skalitude in 2012, his first year at the congress. (Lindsey has named the mountain as PanchenMama) At the summit he communed with a number of beautiful etheric beings who shared information about their nature and purpose. These beings also emitted a
sound similar to that generated by the Sasquatch. Michael has made a pilgrimage to the summit of the mountain every year since. This year the mountain beings are requesting that Michael bring a few friends with him! At the summit the group will gather in silence and stillness to commune with the beings.
The pilgrimage will take approximately 4.5 hours, leaving in the morning and back for lunch. You will need sturdy walking shoes or hiking boots and a pack that can carry a lot of water as well as snacks. Please bring a sun hat and sunscreen if required. The trail is steep, rocky and relatively arduous at times. The pace will be moderate. Who is in?