Yew Mysteries: Levels One, Two and Three, September 2020, Scotland
September 25, 2020 @ 10:00 am - September 28, 2020 @ 6:00 pm
| CanceledThese events will be rescheduled in 2021
Workshop One (one day) The Sacred Yew – Tree of Eternity
Introduction to the Sacred Yew Tree
Yew Mysteries study - Origin & Meaning of the Yew Mysteries
Yew Mysteries praxis – Entering the consciousness realm of the ancient Yew
Ritual & individual work with local yews – Encountering the uncanny nature & healing potential of the Yew
Workshop Two (one day) Essence of the Five Trees
The Yew Mysteries & the Otherworld (Annwn)
Yew Mysteries study - The Wisdom of the Yew in the Myth & Legend of the Tuatha de Dannan
Yew Mysteries praxis - Communicate and work with the elemental forces & beings of the Yew
Ritual and individual work with local yews - The Otherworld of the Yew Mysteries
Workshop Three (two days) The Shining Ones
The Yew Mysteries & the Ancestors
Yew Mysteries study – The History, Meaning & Purpose of the Shining Ones of Yew
Yew Mysteries praxis – Embodying the otherworldly & ancestral consciousness - stream of the Shining Ones of Yew
Ritual and individual work with local yews – Embodiment of the Yew Mysteries