Biodynamic Craniosacral Level Five
TBA - Seattle, Washington Seattle, WA, United StatesMichael began the study of Craniosacral Therapy with Donald Howitt D.O. in Edinburgh and has been in practice for 20 years. He has attended workshops with the embryologist Jaap Van der Wal as well as with the late Dr Alan Pelowski, founder of the South African Institute of Cranial Studies. Michael's understanding of, and commitment
The Fairy & Human Relations Congress
Skalitude Retreat Center 302 Smith Canyon Road, Carlton, WA, United StatesThe Fairy & Human Relations Congress is an annual event held in the Methow Valley in Washington State. The Congress is dedicated to Promoting Communication and Co-Creation with Nature Spirits, Devas and the Faery Realms.
Sacred Yew Exhibition – Janis Fry and Valerie James
Oriel CRiC Gallery Beaufort Street, Crickhowell, Wales, United KingdomThe Sacred Yew Exhibition in the oriel CRiC gallery will include work by painter Janis Fry and ceramicist Valerie James. September 8th to 24th, 2016. Special talk on Friday, September 9th.
Plant Consciousness 2016
Regent's University Inner Cir, London, United KingdomOur disconnect from the natural world has led to the disastrous situation that we now find ourselves in on planet Earth, yet our deep feelings for nature form part of our spiritual longing. The Plant Consciousness event will demonstrate in dynamic ways, how at both the microcosm and macrocosm levels we can re-establish that connection
Yew Mysteries 2016
The Art Cafe & Chapel 8 Cross St, Abergavenny , United KingdomSaturday 15th Oct 9.30am-6pm Introduction To The Yew Mysteries The Yew Mysteries originated at the end of the Atlantean era in the region of the British Isles. Greek historians made reference to these mysteries as early as the third century BCE. At the heart of these mysteries is of course, the sacred Yew tree, the
The Yew Tree Mysteries
State Theta Galleries The Halls, Main Street, Ormiston, East Lothian, United KingdomAt State Theta Galleries in Scotland. Friday 21st October ~ Evening Talk~An Introduction to the Yew Tree Mysteries, Saturday 22nd October ~ The Yew Tree Mysteries and Sunday 23rd October ~ Craniosacral Therapy and the Yew Tree Mysteries.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Training 2015 – 2017
TBA - Seattle, Washington Seattle, WA, United StatesThe next two-year training will commence Fall 2017. For further information and registration contact Alden Cox.
Introduction To The Yew Mysteries
The Art Cafe & Chapel 8 Cross St, Abergavenny , United KingdomPart 1 - Throughout the British Isles today, there are beings who are very much alive - the ancient Yew trees themselves - who yet hold the keys to this knowledge. Do we have the courage to learn from these wise beings? What might they teach us about ourselves, about our future and about the future of our planet?
The Essence Of The Five Trees
The Art Cafe & Chapel 8 Cross St, Abergavenny , United KingdomPart 2 - According to the Yew Mysteries, the divine ‘essence’ of the five trees is a powerful healing force – a force of eternity- that is held by all of our ancient yew trees. During this workshop we will learn to encounter and to work with this healing force beneath ancient yews trees through a direct experience of the elemental forces and beings of the yew.
The Shining Ones
The Art Cafe & Chapel 8 Cross St, Abergavenny , United KingdomPart 3 - During this stage the student of the Yew Mysteries learns to work with the forces and beings behind the workings of the elemental world in Nature.
Introduction To The Yew Mysteries
State Theta Galleries The Halls, Main Street, Ormiston, East Lothian, United KingdomPart 1 - Throughout the British Isles today, there are beings who are very much alive - the ancient Yew trees themselves - who yet hold the keys to this knowledge. Do we have the courage to learn from these wise beings? What might they teach us about ourselves, about our future and about the future of our planet?
The Essence Of The Five Trees
State Theta Galleries The Halls, Main Street, Ormiston, East Lothian, United KingdomPart 2 - According to the Yew Mysteries, the divine ‘essence’ of the five trees is a powerful healing force – a force of eternity- that is held by all of our ancient yew trees. During this workshop we will learn to encounter and to work with this healing force beneath ancient yews trees through a direct experience of the elemental forces and beings of the yew.
The Shining Ones
State Theta Galleries The Halls, Main Street, Ormiston, East Lothian, United KingdomPart 3 - During this stage the student of the Yew Mysteries learns to work with the forces and beings behind the workings of the elemental world in Nature. 2 Days.
Yew Mysteries TeleConference with Michael Dunning
TeleConferenceThe Yew is the earthly and sentient expression of the ONE original pre-earthly organism that the earliest cultures referred to as the Tree of Life. The ancient and yet timeless language of the living Yew holds memory and information concerning the pre-earthly origin and spiritual lineage of human beings.
The Shamanic Lands
THE PAVILION MID WALES Spa Road, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, United KingdomDrawing on over 30 - years of direct experience with these beings in his native Scotland, Wales and also in the USA, Michael will focus on how we might begin to incarnate the forces of Annwn as organs of perception, communion and healing with the Sidhe. To support this work Michael will focus on a specific teaching from the Yew Mysteries that concerns the significance of iron and the startling function of that metal as forming a bond between the Shining Ones, human incarnation and the blood. It is not for nothing that the Yew tree was once known as the Iron wood!
Yew Mysteries: Level Four
TBA - Seattle, Washington Seattle, WA, United StatesIn Level Four of the Yew Mysteries the student is led to use their senses differently through working with specific ‘chambers’ in the body - what I refer to as the Chambers of the Eternal - including the heart and the third ventricle within the head.
2018 The Fairy & Human Relations Congress
Skalitude Retreat Center 302 Smith Canyon Road, Carlton, WA, United StatesThe Fairy & Human Relations Congress is an annual event held in the Methow Valley in Washington State. The Congress is dedicated to Promoting Communication and Co-Creation with Nature Spirits, Devas and the Faery Realms.