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The legendary Five Sacred Trees of Ireland originated from the berries of a single yew branch brought to Earth by a Divine being. Therefore, each of the five sacred trees is a yew.

According to the Yew Mysteries, the divine 'essence' of the five trees is a powerful healing force – a force of eternity- that is held by all of our ancient yew trees. During this workshop we will learn to encounter and to work with this healing force beneath ancient yews trees through a direct experience of the elemental forces and beings of the yew. This is known as the Underworld ( Annwn) of the Yew Mysteries.

This workshop includes:

  • How to enter the underworld realm (Annwn) of the Yew Mysteries
  • Learning to experience the 'essence' of the five trees as a healing force
  • Working with the elemental powers of the Yew
  • Practical sessions outside working within a sacred circle of 2500 year old Yews in the Brecon Beacons
  • This workshop is a pre-requisite for part 3.

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